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A ciência por trás do Complete Bari LIB
11. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed.; Revised; (DSM-4-TR); American Psychiatric Association: Washington, DC, USA, 2003. 
2. Clayton, A.H.; Goldstein, I.; Kim, N.N.; Althof, S.E.; Faubion, S.S.; Faught, B.M.; Parish, S.J.; Simon, J.A.; Vignozzi, L.; Christiansen, K.; et al. The International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health Process of Care for Management of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder in Women. Mayo Clin. Proc. 2018, 93, 467– 487. 
3. Parish, S.J.; Hahn, S.R. Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder: A Review of Epidemiology, Biopsychology, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Sex. Med. Rev. 2016, 4, 103–120. 
4. Biddle, A.K.; West, S.L.; D’Aloisio, A.A.; Wheeler, S.B.; Borisov, N.N.; Thorp, J. Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder in Postmenopausal Women: Quality of Life and Health Burden. Value Health 2009, 12, 763–772. [CrossRef] 8. Foley, K.; Foley, D.; 
5. Johnson, B.H. Healthcare resource utilization and expenditures of women diagnosed with hypoactive sexual desire disorder. J. Med. Econ. 2010, 13, 583– 590. 
6. Cieri-Hutcherson NE, Jaenecke A, Bahia A, et al. Systematic Review of L Arginine for the Treatment of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder and Related Conditions in Women. Pharmacy (Basel) 2021 Mar 27;9(2):71. 
7. Munarriz, R.; Kim, N.N.; Goldstein, I.; Traish, A.M. Biology of female sexual function. Urol. Clin. N. Am. 2002, 29, 685–693. 
8. Croft HA. Understanding the Role of Serotonin in Female Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder and Treatment Options. J Sex Med 2017 Dec;14(12):1575-1584.
9. Weiss, R. V., Hohl, A., Athayde, A., Pardini, D.Gomes, L., Oliveria, M.D., et al. (2019). Testosterone therapy for women with low sexual desire. The Archives of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 63, 190–198. 
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11. Morgentaler, A., Zitzmann, M., Traish, A., et al. (2016). International expert consensus conference on testosterone deficiency and its treatment- resolutions and conclusions. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 91, 881–896. 
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 13. Nia ML, Iravani M, Abedi P et al. Effect of Zinc on Testosterone Levels and Sexual Function of Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Sex Marital Ther 2021;47(8):804-813. 
 14. Soheillipur F, et al. The prevalence of zinc deficiency in morbidly obese patients before and after different types of bariatric surgery BMC Endocr Disord 2021 May 25;21(1):107. 
 15. Vitale SG, et al. Isoflavones, calcium, vitamin D and inulin improve quality of life, sexual function, body composition and metabolic parameters in menopausal women: result from a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel group study. Prz Menopauzalny 2018 Mar;17(1):32-38. 
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17. Millen MM, Golomb BA: chocolate: mood. Chapter 30. Chocolate in Health and Nutrition. Watson RR, Preedy VR, Zibadi S. Springer, New york; 2012: 409-20. 

Nutrição completa para
a sua bariátrica

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  • "Eu comprei e antes do frasco acabar meu cabelo já tinha parado de cair!"

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  • "Tenho 1 ano e 10 meses de bariátrica e não abro mão das vitaminas complete bari. Agora vou experimentar o whey e o Libi."

    Dayse Souza
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  • "Tenho 7 meses de Bari e sempre usei Complete Bari e meus exames estão maravilhosos!!!"

    Nessa Tellier
  • "Gente pelo amor de Deus a complete bari é a melhor vitamina que tem."

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  • "Eu tomo todos os produtos da complete bari e meu médico aprovou."

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  • "Pode comprar sem medo é simplesmente maravilhoso e funciona. Estava fraca e sem disposição, estou tomando tem 20 dias e estou outra."

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