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Conte-nos sobre sua experiência com Whey Isolado 3 em 1 Baunilha com Chocolate 525gr Complete Bari
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A ciência por trás do Complete Bari Whey 3 em 1:
1. Schiavo L, Scalera G, Pilone V, De Sena G, Quagliariello V, lannelli A, Barbarisi A. A Comparative Study Examining the Impact of a Protein-Enriched Vs Normal Protein Postoperative Diet on Body Composition and Resting Metabolic Rate in Obese Patients after Sleeve Gastrectomy. Obes Surg. 2016;26(8):1761-1767. 
2. Faria SL, Faria OP, Buffington C, Cardeal MA, Ito MK. Dietary protein intake and bariatric surgery patients: a review. Obes Surg. 2011 Nov;21(11):1798-805. 
3. Pizato N, Botelho PB, Gonçalves VSS, Dutra ES, de Carvalho KMB. Effect of Grazing Behavior on Weight Regain Post-Bariatric Surgery: A Systematic Review. Nutrients. 2017;9(12):1322. doi:10.3390/nu9121322. 
4. Steenackers N, Gesquiere I, Matthys C. The relevance of dietary protein after bariatric surgery: what do we know? Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2018 Jan;21(1):58-63. 
5. Gomes DL, Moehlecke M, Lopes da Silva FB, Dutra ES, D’Agord Schaan B, Baiocchi de Carvalho KM. Whey Protein Supplementation Enhances Body Fat and Weight Loss in Women Long After Bariatric Surgery: a Randomized Controlled Trial. Obes Surg. 2016;26(12):2797-2803. 
6. Saad RK, Ghezzawi M, Habli D, Alami RS, Chakhtoura M. Fracture risk following bariatric surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Osteoporos Int. 2022 Mar;33(3):511-526. 
7. Pereira SE, Rossoni C, Cambi MPC, Faria SL, Mattos FCC, De Campos TBF, Petry TBZ, Da Silva SA, Pereira AZ, Umeda LM, Nogueira C, Burgos MGP, Magro DO. Brazilian guide to nutrition in bariatric and metabolic surgery. Obes Surg. 2023. 8. Mendonça F, Soares R, Carvalho D, Freitas P. The Impact of Bariatric Surgery on Bone Health: State of the Art and New Recognized Links. Obes Surg. Horm Metab Res. 2022;54:131-144. 
9. Parrott J, Frank L, Rabena R, Craggs-Dino L, Isom KA, Greiman L. American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Integrated Health Nutritional Guidelines for the Surgical Weight Loss Patient 2016 Update: Micronutrients. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2017;13:727-741. 
10. O’Kane M, Parretti HM, Pinkney J, Welbourn R, Hughes CA, Mok J, Walker N, Thomas D, Devin J, Coulman KD, Pinnock G, Batterham RL, Mahawar KK, Sharma M, Blakemore Al, McMillan I, Barth JH. British Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society Guidelines on perioperative and postoperative biochemical monitoring and micronutrient replacement for patients undergoing bariatric surgery-2020 update. Obesity Reviews. 2020;21:e13087. 
11. Mangan A, Le Roux CW, Gletsu Miller N, Docherty NG. Iron and Vitamin D/Calcium Deficiency after Gastric Bypass: Mechanisms Involved and Strategies to Improve Oral Supplement Disposition. Curr Drug Metab. 2019;20(3):244-252. 
12. Kanis JA, Cooper C, Rizzoli R, Reginster JY. Executive summary of the European guidance for the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Calcif Tissue Int. 2019 Mar;104(3):235-238. 
13. Madsen LR, Espersen R, Rejnmark L, Richelsen B. Effect of calcium citrate vs calcium carbonate on elevated parathyroid hormone after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. A double-blinded, randomized trial. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2018 Dec;89(6):734-741. 
14. Harvey NC, Biver E, Kaufman JM, Bauer J, Branco J, Brandi ML, Bruyère O, Coxam V, Cruz-Jentoft A, Czerwinski E, Dimai H, Fardellone P, Landi F, Reginster JY, Dawson-Hughes B, Kanis JA, Rizzoli R, Cooper C. The role of calcium supplementation in healthy musculoskeletal ageing: An Experts consensus meeting of the European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (ESCEO) and the International Foundation for Osteoporosis (IOF). Osteoporos Int. 2017 Feb;28(2):447-462 
15. Rondanelli M, Faliva MA, Tartara A, Gasparri C, Perna S, Infantino V, Riva A, Petrangolini G, Peroni G. An update on magnesium and bone health. Biometals. 2021;34:715-736. doi:10.1007/s10534-021-00310-0. 
16. Tsugawa N, Shiraki M. Vitamin K Nutrition and Bone Health. Nutrients. 2020;12(7):1909. 
17. Hill TR, Verlaan S, Biesheuvel E, Eastell R, Bauer JM, Bautmans I, Brandt K, Donini LM, Maggio M, Mets T, Seal CJ, Wijers SLJ, Sieber C, Cederholm T, Aspray TJ; PROVIDE Consortium. A Vitamin D, Calcium and Leucine-Enriched Whey Protein Nutritional Supplement Improves Measures of Bone Health in Sarcopenic Non- Malnourished Older Adults: The PROVIDE Study. Calcif Tissue Int. 2018. 
18. Watanabe-Kamiyama, M.; Shimizu, M.; Kamiyama, S.; Taguchi, Y.; Sone, H.; Morimatsu, F.; Shirakawa, H.; Furukawa, Y.; Komai, M. Absorption and effectiveness of orally administered low molecular weight collagen hydrolysate in rats. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2010, 58, 835-841. 
19. König D, Oesser S, Scharla S, Zdzieblik D, Gollhofer A. Specific Collagen Peptides Improve Bone Mineral Density and Bone Markers in Postmenopausal Women-A Randomized Controlled Study. Nutrients. 2018.

Nutrição completa para
a sua bariátrica

  • "Eu faço uso das vitaminas e do whey. São espetaculares!!! Recuperei minhas unhas, cabelo e minha pele. Super indico. Bypass 1 ano."

    Claudia Martins Araújo
  • "Eu comprei e antes do frasco acabar meu cabelo já tinha parado de cair!"

  • "Ansiosa para comprar o whey, já tomo as vitaminas que mudou minha vida."

    Rosa Dilma
  • "Tenho 1 ano e 10 meses de bariátrica e não abro mão das vitaminas complete bari. Agora vou experimentar o whey e o Libi."

    Dayse Souza
  • "Parou queda de cabelo, fraqueza, até minha ansiedade melhorou."

    Priscila Pinho
  • "Eu amo, nunca vi nada igual."

  • "Tenho 7 meses de Bari e sempre usei Complete Bari e meus exames estão maravilhosos!!!"

    Nessa Tellier
  • "Gente pelo amor de Deus a complete bari é a melhor vitamina que tem."

  • "Tomo a complete desde que fiz a cirurgia e AMO! Nunca tive nenhum efeito colateral, como queda de cabelo, manchar roxas e etc."

    Andréa Pena Araújo
  • "Eu tomo todos os produtos da complete bari e meu médico aprovou."

    Patrícia Cristina
  • "Pode comprar sem medo é simplesmente maravilhoso e funciona. Estava fraca e sem disposição, estou tomando tem 20 dias e estou outra."

    Zenilde Oliveiras
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Whey Isolado 3 em 1 Baunilha com Chocolate 525gr Complete Bari

R$ 279,90

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